Digital Identities and Security

cropped-pexels-photo-2673502.jpegOur digital identity is a large part of our lives these days, it is the image or person we are perceived as in an online environment and it really needs to be taken seriously as it could make or break you in the future. Future employers can do a quick google search of your name and access shared information or check your Facebook and use that information to decide whether you are suitable. (Tranberg, 2013)

Your digital identity or digital foot print is added to each time you access the internet and becomes part of a large database that can be accessed by anyone and copied or sold and then passed on. It is up to you to monitor how much you are sharing online and what you give these databases access to. (Tranberg, 2013)

digitalDigital security is the protection of your digital identity. There are tools and programs that are available for you to use as digital security. Things like anti-virus software, web services, biometrics (Face and fingerprint recognition) and secure personal devices that you carry around with you can help. (What is Digital Security?, 2018) Some of these tools have the ability to direct the site through a browser which makes you invisible. It shows you as being at a random point in the internet so your own personal identity or IP address can’t be tracked to you. (Greenberg, 2018) Hackers and online thieves are constantly updating their knowledge and finding new ways to access and steal information. So therefore tools like these can help prevent this from happening and also help keep minors safe from online predators. (What is Digital Security?, 2018)

Another way to keep your identity private would be to use a fake identity that can not be tracked back to the real you. (Tranberg, 2013) I found it a little ironic that whist researching information on this topic a pop up appeared asking me for my permission to access my location.


Tranberg, P. (2013). Fake It – to control your digital identity: Pernille Tranberg at TEDxOxford. Retrieved 15 March 2018, from

What is Digital Security?. (2018). Just Ask Gemalto EN. Retrieved 15 March 2018, from

Greenberg, A. (2018). How to Use Tor and Go Anonymous Online. WIRED. Retrieved 15 March 2018, from

Lapena, R. (2017). Survey: 80% of IT Pros More Concerned About Digital Security in 2017 than in 2016The State of Security. Retrieved 27 March 2018, from




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